Thursday, August 12, 2010

new weekly blog starting today

I should be six weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have fifths disease and have since the very beginning of my pregnancy. I am being followed very closely by the docs and will be sent to a maternal fetal specialist soon (3.5 hour drive away). From what I have read, I will be seen once a week or once every two weeks by the specialist with detailed ultrasounds. Having fifths during pregnancy (rare, 1 in 400) carries a 15% risk of fetal death and/or miscarriage or still birth.

I had a detailed ultrasound Tuesday (Aug 10, 2010) and it showed a sac that was too small to give a date with a yolk sac inside. It also showed a "slightly complex ovarian cyst" on my left ovary, a mild to moderate subchorionic hemorrhage next to my baby's sac that is the same size as that sac, also some "free fluid" in my "cul-de-sac", and mild bilateral maternal hydronephrosis.

I have to get another ultrasound later today or tomorrow. I am praying for a baby and a heartbeat. I have not told many of my friends or my Husband's family as they freak and get mad every time they find out that we're pregnant :(

So I think we won't tell his family until the baby is born, that way they won't worry about the pregnancy the whole time as they say they do.

I pray all is well with my pregnancy. Most of the time it take 10 weeks or so before the baby will show signs of symptoms if he/she catches it and then usually it is too late :(

Monday, March 30, 2009

Great giveaway plus updates

I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. My ultrasound came back fine. This past Friday I had one of my many swollen lymph nodes removed so they could biopsy it to hopefully tell me what is wrong with me. On another note.

If you need a new washer and dryer set, enter at http://nwamotherlod 1699, or read more info in the message below...

We’re ( hosting a huge “Spring Clean Giveaway”, courtesy of our friends metrologo.gifat Metro Builders Supply. And the lucky mama who wins is going to have a brand spankin’ new washer and dryer on pedestal stands delivered to her house! Oh yeah, we almost forgot… IT’S FREE!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I had a great night at church tonight. Brent didn't go (and no, that is not why it was great, lol :) because he had to stay home with Elisha. Wish he was there. We talked about the impending Wal-Mart layoffs and found out that it is likely to happen Friday. And it is apparently supposed to only be 200 as opposed to the 500 we heard before. We will see, I guess. Brent is off work on Friday. I wonder if they will call him if he loses his job or if they will wait untill he comes in on Monday to tell him (cruel). We are both just ready to know. He is no longer worried about losing his job. He knows we have a back up plan and whatever happens God knows what we need and He will take care of us.

My doctors appointment was yesterday and I didn't find out much. The lump in my throat is a lymph node and not my thyroid. I had several other lymph nodes swell yesterday. My neck is very painful. It feels like I have strep throat but the doctor says I am not sick and he doesn't know why my lymph nodes are swollen. He is sending me for an ultrasound of my thyroid and my lymph nodes this Friday morning. I will not find out anything for at least a few days, though.

Monday, February 16, 2009


For the past week we have been making plans for a strategy for if/when Brent gets laid off of work. He works for Wal-Mart Home office in ISD. We fought hard for him to get where he is today. He started out stocking and pushing carts for Wal-Mart while he was pursuing his Bachelor's degree. He moved up to Assistant Manager in Fayetteville, AR in the same store he started in (hard to do). We moved to Idabel, OK just 1 month after we got married to open a new store there. We moved a couple more times with Wal-Mart. Then applied for the home office again and still did not get it. So we moved to NWA and he worked as an Assistant Manager in Fayetteville again in hopes being closer would help him get into the office. After about 9 months he finally got the position he in in now. Then Tuesday uncertainty swept in when Wall-Mart home office laid off about 800 people. We have sources that say this week about 500 people will be laid off in ISD. He has only been there for about 8 1/2 months. This is weighing heavy on us, but we know whatever happens the Lord has a plan for us.

Along with this uncertainty, I feel strongly that I have cancer. I have many symtoms that I can't explain that really are bothering me. Not every day, but when it happens, it is very bad. Last time it did was yesterday. I woke up hardly able to breathe (very short of breath), I was fainting over and over, I was pale, my whole body was shaking really bad (for hours). This seems to happen every time I lose 2 pounds in one day. I step on the scale almost every morning and yesterday it was 2 lbs lower than the previous few days. I have lost 14 lbs more that I gained during this last pregnancy. I am down about 70 lbs now in 6 months. I am NOT trying to lose weight. I am very hungry all of the time (a symptom of my hyperthyroid) and I eat every time I am hungry. I have more than 3 full meals a day. I found a lump in my neck last week a few days after my voice changed and I became hoarse. These are symptoms of thyroid cancer. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to see what the doc has to say about this. I am hoping he goes ahead and does an ultrasound on my neck to better see the 'lump'.

On a lighter note :), My little baby has the most beautiful smile and she is always happy :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

LeeLou's Baby Shower

I am posting a link to a blog that is having a baby shower from today till Febuary 12th benefitting a couple of special babies and their families! They are giving away many, many, prizes from many different places. Awesome prizes :)
Here is the link:

Go check it out :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sad, Sad, day.........

The little baby that I wrote about a few days ago has went home to be with Jesus. My heart hurts for her family. Less than a month ago they had no clue she was sick. 17 days from the time they found out she had cancer................17 days.............can you believe that. Imagine having a seemingly healthy baby and in just a little over 2 weeks your baby is so sick he or she dies. I hate cancer. Why do people get cancer? I don't understand how or why a child or baby can get this terrible disease. They are so innocent. Why?????

Lord, Please be with Cora's family as they go through this journey of loosing a child. Please give them comfort and peace. Please carry them when they are not strong enough to carry on. Please help them understand that their child is in a better place and is not in pain any longer.
In your precious and sweet name, Amen.

Please pray for her family, The McClenahans.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Just another day

Today was a pretty good day. I had a 30 minute break sitting with some friends at school before class started. Then in class I bagan to understand some algebra problems I was not sure about. This accelerated algebra, so far, is not too bad. Just a lot of work :) We will have our 4th test on Friday over chapter 4. I got a 110% on chapter 3 :)

On another note, this morning when I stepped on the scale it was a pound lower than it had been. Which probably isn't a good thing. It probably means my thyroid issue is getting worse and not better. I will find out in 3 weeks when I get it checked again. I am now officially the smallest I have ever been as an adult.

Elizabeth was tested today for any developmental delays and they found she had NONE :) YAY!

Not sure what else to say for now. Below is a pic of our family taken a few months ago when my youngest was 3 months old.

my family 2008